Georgi Mount

Almost entirely 3D printed mount for the Georgi steno board


Updated version of mount: Finalised Georgi Mount

Top view of the Georgi mounted on the tripod. Each half can pivot at where they are mounted on each arm, and the arms can be pivoted to adjust for the horizontal position. The front and back position (how far the stand is from me) can just be adjusted by moving the tripod. Georgi - Top View

georgi-bottomThe bottom wedge is circlular, which allows some adjustability in terms of it's position. The tilt is unfortunately fixed.

With steno, proper posture is necessary for writing with speed, so I've been trying to come up with something that will be comfortable, and ergonomic. There is this beautiful stand that uses parts you can easily buy from Amazon, or a hardware store, but I didn't really want to go this route because it's kind of expensive and I didn't want to spend any more money. So instead, I opted to design my own mount, inspired by that other one.

My first thought was just to have a board mounted to the head of the tripod that I can put the Georgi flat on, sort of like a tabletop on a tripod. I did that with some OSB, but I found that I needed to tilt the halves in order to not tire out my wrists as I found that posture wasn't very ergonomic. I finally decided to design something that would solve this problem, and this is what I came up with.

Since I didn't want to buy any ball heads, I just thought about the simplest solution, and that is to just mount them at a fixed angle. Of course, that means I wouldn't be able to adjust it, but I don't think I would need to adjust much after I've found the angle that I like the most. I did a little bit of estimation, and I arrived at the angle of 10°. Luckily, that turned out to be a somewhat comfortable angle.

Front view of the Georgi stand. The wedges allow for the tilt of each half. Georgi - Front View

I kind of wanted to bridle joint the arms, but that would've been hard for 3D printing, so I just opted to have one half of the arm on top of the other. At first I thought that might bug me because one side is higher than the other, but it hasn't been a problem so far. My initial design also had a T-bar that each arm could attach to, to allow for more adjustability, but I found it had just too much flex. I didn't need the extra adjustability anyway, so this worked just fine.

I've ran out of filament at the moment, so I'm not going to be able to work on this anymore for a little bit, but that's okay since I wanted to take a break and just see how this goes sort of as a prototype. So far it's promising and I really enjoy using this.
